KOLORLAB office building

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Year of design: 2013-14
Designer: Dániel Bianki DLA - as designer of Barcika Szolg. ltd.
Useful floor area ~ 3400 m2
Status: built in 2017

The Kazincbarcika Municipality transformed the central primary school building, which had been unused for years, into an incubation office building with the help of Swiss grant funding.
The building was renovated by grouting basement insulation due to its deteriorated condition, in addition to replacing the façade windows, insulating the façade and insulating the flat roof.
The original building was built in the early 1960s with a flat roof design, to which an unbuilt high pitched roof was added in the 1990s. The building was granted local protection in 2013.
The building houses the Kazincbarcika Municipal Television. During the renovation, the building was equipped with a modern mechanical system, central air conditioning and ventilation.
The original plans of the building were designed by the Budapest Residential Building Design Company.

BD Design - Bianki Dániel DLA | építész | belső építész | Miskolc | Kazincbarcika | Edelény | Encs | Mezőkövesd | Tiszaújváros | Észak-Magyarország BD Design - Bianki Dániel DLA | építész | belső építész | Miskolc | Kazincbarcika | Edelény | Encs | Mezőkövesd | Tiszaújváros | Észak-Magyarország

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